Thursday, 10 January 2013

24x7 Mobile Medical Aid with Lab Facility

Kamrup, 9th Jan 2013: Heman Nath, M.B.B.S doctor of Hekra P.H.C inaugurated Rehab mobile medical unit with laboratory facility at 12 pm at Bidiyanagar, Kamrup District, Assam.

Nath with a team of three Farmacist and a lab technician checked and diagnosed patients irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Mostly Hindu and Muslim victims were there to get medical aid. They got complete treatment with urine and blood test and free medicine.

During this programme, Rehab volunteers were involved to provide medical relief to the fateful community people of natural calamity and victims of BTAD violence.  Free medicines were distributed among more than 225 patients.


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