The three day programme was organized in
partnership with Rehab India Foundation,
India Islamic Cultural Centre, Institute of Objective Studies, Zakat Foundation
of India, South Asian Minorities Lawyer’s Association (SAMLA), Jamat e Islami
Hind, Interfaith Coalition for Peace (ICP) and Abbasi Charitable &
Educational Society.
From Rehab India Foundation, Afsel
Chandrankandy, Trustee, Safarullah Khan, Asst. Programme Manager, Azhar Ahmed,
Finance Manager, Musarrat Warsi, HR/PR Manager, Naseerudheen A S, Asst. PR
Manager, Muhammed Jabir M M, Project Coordinator, Insafudheen K, South Zone
Project Manager and Sajid M S, North Zone Project Manager were actively
involved in ‘Third National Workshop of Muslim NGOs’.
18th Jan 2013:
Programme was kicked off by Quran Ayaat
recited by Safarullah, Asst. Programme Manager of Rehab India Foundation.
During the inaugural function, Justic Markandey Katju, Chairman Press Council
of India, Justic Suhail Ahmed Siddiqui, Chairman NCMEI, Farah Naqvi, member
NAC, Zafar, Safdar Khan, Chairman Delhi Minority Commission, Meem Afzal, Former
MP shed light over the problems of NGO and what legal steps they need to take
for empowerment of minority and strengthening of Muslim NGOs.
Second session was held post lunch and
‘Economic equality among Muslims’ was discussed. Chair of the session Zafar
Agha, Member NCMEI and other speakers like Jawed Alam Khan, CBGA, Mazhar
Hussain COVA, Safarullah Khan Rehab India Foundation discussed government
policies, achievements and challenges.
During last session, Chair Abdul Raqeeb ICIF
and Speaker Arshad Ajmal spread awareness and information on access to credit,
micro financing, millennium development goals and Islamic banking.
19th Jan 2013:
Second day of programme was kicked off by AAA
Faizi, LBSNA. He discussed schemes of government of India, especially Ministry
of Minority Affairs and Ministry of Rural Development.
Second session was held to discuss the
present strata of education among Muslims. Justic Suhail Siddiqui, Asadullah Khan, EDCIL, Muhammed Akhtarul Imam,
Abrar Islahi, Muslim World League motivated 300 delegates that education is the
most important tool to improve the condition of Muslims in India. On this occasion, Justic Suhail Siddiqui said,
“real beneficiaries are not getting benefits from government schemes due to
lack of accessibility and understanding.” To add to it, he said that we need to generate
awareness of education among Muslims.
Last session was unlocked on ‘Women
Empowerment and Child Development’. Uzma Nahid from Iqra International Women’s
Alliance, Sadia Khan, Dipa Sinha and Asma Zehra moved this session with great
energy. Working for Right to Food, Dipa Sinha said, “Malnutrition is directly
associated with food and right choice of food.” Also, she said that right
people are deprived of PDS (Public Distribution System) because they are
lagging BPL Card. Asma Zahra Muslim Women Development Society said that
children, women and old age people are victims of poverty. Working for Child
Protection, Sadia Khan said, “We are having crab mentality. We need to improve
our mentality.”
20th Jan 2013
Third day of the workshop started with the
session “Access to Information: RTI & other sources of
Information” handled by Beyond Headlines Editor Afroz Sahil. He encouraged delegates to make use of RTI
for access of information.
Amirullah Khan, Deputy Director Bill Gates Foundation discussed Corporate
Social Responsibility of their organization and how Muslim NGOs can apply to
allocate fund from Bill Gates Foundation and other Corporate and PSUs. In this
session, Amanullah Khan, Director Muslim Educational Trust, K K Upadhyaya,
Director CSR, FICCI, Aquil Busrai, CEO Aquil Bursai Consultancy explained
corporate social responsibility of their organizations.
session was unlocked on ‘NGO Governance’ by Osama Manzar, Director Digital
Empowerment Movement and continued by Kamal Farooqui-FCRA.
session started with the topic of “Human Rights Violation: Awareness and
Responsibilities”. Adv. Yusuf Muchala Mumbai, Feroz Ghazi, SAMLA & Mehmood
Pracha, Advocate, Mohd Shafi Popular Front of India and Md. Shafi discussed
UAPA Black Law and fake encounters like Batla House Encounter. They emphasized that Muslim need security because major victims of riots are Muslims.